Tuesday & Thursday Bible Classes Temporarily Canceled
Tueday Bible class resumes December 17.
Thursday Bible class resumes January 2.
Men's Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, December 14 @ 7:30am
Annual Christmas Dinner Sunday, December 15
Church is providing brisket and smoked turkey. Participants bring sides and desserts..
Christmas Eve Service @ 5:30pm
Please join us to celebrate the birth of our Savior!
Bible Lands Tour Scheduled
Dean Bible Ministries is planning a Bible Lands tour to Greece and Italy next May. For more information click here.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send your deposit in until after January 1, 2025.
Nursery Workers Needed
We need volunteers to work in the nursery one Sunday a month. If you think you might be interested, please contact the church or talk to Russell Gaitz or Alex Monzon.
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If you'd like to receive church e-mail announcements, like when Bible class is canceled, please sign up here
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